
Category: Flowers and Gardens

Garden Illusions: Up, Down and Around

A wide variety of design elements can be employed when designing the landscape for your Minnesota garden area. Let the creative design professionals at Architectural Landscape Design help you create beautiful illusions in your yard.

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Planning a Small Garden Design with Principles

The same design principles apply to all gardens, whether large or small:   Unity, Simplicity, Variety, Accent, and Balance. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Planning a garden is one of the most creative home projects we each can undertake. Your landscape should reflect your dreams, your likes and dislikes, as well as your notion of what your yard or garden should be. Our talented professional MN landscape designers can help you design your space with the ideas you have in mind. We can help you search through the numerous stone, brick, and natural stone selections available in the Twin Cities area to

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Ponds Can Soften Hard Edges of Decks, Add A Bridge Over the Pond for Drama

Adding a small pond at the edge of a deck can soften the hard edges of the deck and help the deck blend to the garden beyond it. Another option is to make the pond longer and narrower to provide an opportunity to add a bridge over the pond for drama. One of the major elements in garden design is water. You can add real drama and ambiance to a landscape by adding a water feature such as a pond. If you go the extra step to make it big enough you can add an arcing footbridge to offer a

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Water Pools and Fountains In Styles That Work For Everyone

Water pools and fountains come in many different styles. Designing the one that will work for you is very much defined by personal style, along with matching it to your landscape. Whether you plan to install a water pond, or a fountain, our garden designers and architects can help you pick the right option for you. Formal water pool-A formal water pool is often designated by the use of pavers or hardscapes that lead up to the pool. There is typically a flat-stone border that encircles the water line of the pond, and there is a sitting area around it.

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