
Tag: minnesota landscaper

Borders in Gardens Are Both a 3-D Element And An Area For Planting

A garden border provides a defined area for planting and a three-dimensional element for the yard. Some of the critical elements for a garden are lawns, paving, and borders. When you design a border for your yard you are defining something that will make a big impact on your space. As you spend time considering the shape that is will be seen as on the lawn, what type of character (rubber edging, stone retaining walls, etc) and the type of planting it will provide your yard really is being defined. You have to decide how you want borders to fit

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A Plan for a Fountain: To Fountain or Not to Fountain

Why would you want to plan for a fountain today? Don’t they take large volumes of water? First of all any time of year is a great time to plan for a fountain. The amount of water used can be controlled by the plan you make. What remains constant is that the sound of trickling or running water is always soothing and adds a sense of movement in the garden. Fountains were first built in the early days of civilization. They were strictly functional then. They were first built to enclose natural springs. A fountain was the place to go

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Atriums Add Captivating Space and Light to A House

Atriums are a popular addition to houses or a design feature because they add “a feeling of space and light.” An atrium typically is a large open space, sometimes several stories high that has a glazed roof. There are large windows also. They are either located right outside main entrance doors to a house or they are in the center of the house. They allow a homeowner to feel like they are outdoors all yearlong! The famous Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina has one of the best examples of a wonderful atrium. While they are great additions to one’s

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Planting as Accents

Accents what are they? We know in decorating they are the final touches sometimes or the one wall painted a different color that captures our attention. It’s the same way in the outside world! Plantings as accents do one thing really well, they grab the attention. They direct traffic and can very subtly direct our thoughts about what we’re seeing there. A plant becomes an accent when it offers something unique. It’s color, form, texture, and size makes it stand out. If you use the same plant over and over something interesting happens. It ceases to have the same impact

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Boulders Key Solution For Shoreline Restoration

Boulders are a versatile way to change, maintain, and transform shorelines and landscape. The possibilities are endless. Maintaining lakeshore can be a constant maintenance concern for homeowners on lakes, ponds, and rivers. Having your shoreline wash or erode away can be frustrating, costly, and scary. Using boulders for shoreline restoration can be the answer to many of these problems. Shoreline restoration has lots of variables that need to be considered and reviewed. Boulders are a great solution because they are natural stones. They can take the severe climate changes, the ice heaving, high water, heavy rains, and pounding waves that

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Landscaping Away Ugly Utility Areas

It’s unfortunate, but it’s true most houses have some ugly utility areas that would be better hidden from view. See if one of these appears in your yard. Taking a critical second look may present an opportunity to turn a place you would like to avoid looking at into an area that you may enjoy. These areas run the gamut from garbage cans, dog runs, swimming pools, outdoor above ground spas, spa pumps, compost heaps, compost containers, tool sheds, air conditioning units, vents coming out from the house, utility meters, etc.  All of these can strike a discordant note in

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