
Category: Commercial Landscaping

How to Furnish Your Luxury Patio

A patio will boost the value of your home and quickly become an area where you enjoy relaxing. Most patios don’t require a lot of maintenance, and it’s a space you can personalize easily to create the atmosphere you want.  Creating a patio with a luxury feel to it is surprisingly easy. Here are a few ideas for luxury patio designs. The Minimalist Approach We recommend adopting a minimalist approach for outdoor patio designs because that style instantly creates the impression of luxury and provides you with plenty of space you can use. Your patio needs to be inviting and

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5 Ways to Incorporate a Fireplace Into Your Landscape Design

An outdoor fireplace is an exciting addition to your patio because it makes that space a lot more inviting. Having a source of warmth means you can spend more on your patio, and the fireplace will naturally become a point of focus, and guests will want to gather around it. Here are some fireplace landscape design ideas to consider if you want to upgrade your patio. Stones and Rocks Stones are a popular material for built-in fireplaces and freestanding designs. Beige or gray stones help create a rustic look and require little maintenance. If you want to have a stone

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5 Awesome Corporate Landscaping Strategies That Inspire

A commercial property’s value isn’t the only thing that’s influenced by the exterior landscaping. For many businesses, poor landscaping can conceal an otherwise professional and thriving business. When the yard is junky, we often will assume that the inside is of a similar catastrophe. Whether it be clients or customers approaching your entry, you want them to feel at ease and inspired as they near your doors. The good news is that commercial landscaping upgrades aren’t as overwhelming as one might think when they know understand the various landscaping sections. Boulder work, retaining walls, garden beds, and accent pieces are

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How to Hire a Standout Landscape Contractor

Landscape contractors are people, too. Due to this not so surprising observation, it is vital that we consider that all people are different when we decide to choose a landscaper to help us achieve our landscaping goals. Some people are annoying, a few are lazy, others are flakey, some people take too long selecting an orange which causes us to be late for our family dinner, and some people are hilarious. The point is, landscapers, like all people, offer us a variety of personality spectrums, and some of those spectrum ranges may grind our gears. Just because landscaping takes place

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Landscaping – Unique Benefits of Planning that Special Project

Perhaps you’ve been imagining that brand new deck or beautifully landscaped garden. Having that vision is just the first step. To make that dream a reality, you need to properly plan and design that special project. Projects Take Time This may seem like an obvious statement, but if you want to enjoy your new deck this summer you can’t wait until July to start on it. There are many aspects of a project where time is a major factor. Determining how long you have to complete the project is the first step. Going back to our summer deck example, you may need

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How to Make Your Grass More Green

It’s ironic that green is the color of envy because a deep green lawn of grass can cause such profound jealousy among neighbors. We all strive to have a luscious green lawn, just like you see on television, but year after year many of us struggle to achieve our dreams. Fortunately, a lot of dull, yellow and patchy lawns are caused by things that we either aren’t doing enough or are doing too much. That’s great news because it means that it can be fixed relatively easy. Stop Mowing So Low Firstly, you need to stop mowing too low to

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