Popular Trends in Landscape Design

Are you struggling to find the right trends in landscape design that can enhance your outdoor space? As a group of landscaping enthusiasts ourselves, we know it’s challenging. 

We’ve discovered that incorporating native plants is one popular trend, and we’ve taken the time to compile other hot trends just for you! In this blog post, you’re about to dive into the fantastic world of trendy landscape designs—a journey sure not to disappoint!

Landscaping Trends for a Sustainable Future

Among those trying to create a sustainable future, popular landscaping trends include minimizing lawns, utilizing vertical gardening for limited spaces, practicing eco-friendly techniques, xeriscaping to conserve water, incorporating edible plants in the landscape, and embracing native plant species.

Less Lawn Is More

Shrinking the size of your lawn is becoming a hot trend in sustainable gardening. This movement is not just about aesthetics; it’s part of an environmentally friendly landscaping approach that focuses on preserving resources and reducing waste.

We’re seeing more homeowners trade expanses of grass for low-maintenance hardscape designs, mixed border plants, and perennial flower beds. Not only do these alternatives require fewer resources to maintain, but they can boost curb appeal and increase property value as well.

More gardens mean less water usage, reduced need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides, and more habitats created for local wildlife. In short, when we say “less lawn,” we do mean “more.”.

Gardening Vertically

Vertical gardens are gaining popularity in the landscape design realm, especially among residents of condos and apartments. Environmentally friendly, these lush green walls make a solid statement while minimizing carbon footprint.

This sustainable gardening method is not only visually appealing but serves a practical purpose. Vertical gardens act as excellent separating screens, casting aside the need for traditional hedges.

They open up new avenues for urban gardening by turning unoccupied wall spaces into vibrant patches of greenery.

Eco-Friendly Practices

Adopting eco-friendly practices can transform our landscapes into sustainable, vibrant spaces while positively impacting the environment. This shift towards sustainability starts with thoughtful plant selection and efficient irrigation systems.

Drought-resistant gardening, or xeriscaping, is a particularly effective way to conserve water in your yard.

Our landscapes also benefit from native plants which thrive in local climate conditions and attract beneficial wildlife. We make the most informed plant choices by considering factors like soil type analysis and sun exposure levels before planting.

These small but crucial decisions significantly reduce air, soil, and water pollution while creating healthy outdoor spaces for us and local wildlife.


Xeriscaping is a sustainable landscaping technique that aims to reduce or eliminate the need for irrigation. By removing water-intensive grass lawns and replacing them with native, drought-resistant plants, xeriscaped landscapes require little to no water.

Native plants are particularly well-suited for xeriscaping because they can thrive in low-water conditions. This environmentally friendly approach not only saves water but reduces the need for irrigation altogether.

Xeriscaping is a fantastic option for anyone looking to create beautiful outdoor spaces while conserving one of our most precious resources – water.

Edible Efforts

Edible landscaping is a popular trend in landscape design that focuses on creating beautiful and functional outdoor spaces. Instead of just having ornamental plants, edible landscaping replaces them with fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, and even flowers that you can eat.

It not only adds visual appeal to your garden; it promotes self-sufficiency and eco-consciousness. Imagine stepping outside to pick fresh herbs for cooking or plucking ripe berries for a snack.

Edible landscaping is more than just growing food; it’s about creating a sustainable future by making our landscapes beautiful and productive.

Going Native

In our pursuit of a more sustainable future, one landscaping trend that stands out is “going native.” That involves incorporating native plants into our outdoor spaces to promote ecological balance and conservation.

By using plants naturally adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, we can reduce water consumption and maintenance needs while supporting biodiversity.

Native plants have many environmental benefits. They require less watering, as they are already acclimated to the region’s rainfall patterns. That not only helps conserve water but also reduces the strain on local water resources during times of drought.

Additionally, these plants attract native wildlife like butterflies and birds, enhancing ecosystem resilience.

Outdoor Living and Smart Home Tech

Outdoor living spaces have lately become more than just a patio or deck. With the advancement of smart home technology, homeowners can now incorporate convenient and functional features into their outdoor areas.

This trend in landscape design allows for seamless indoor-outdoor connectivity and enhances the overall experience of outdoor living. Sustainable landscaping practices also play a significant role in these spaces, highlighting the importance of eco-friendly designs that promote a harmonious relationship with nature.

Color and Design Trends

Immersive gardens and vibrant outdoor spaces are on-trend for landscape design. Adding a pop of color through strategically placed flowers or foliage plants can create visual interest and enhance the overall beauty of your garden.

Incorporating different textures, such as rough stones or smooth pebbles, can add depth and variety to your outdoor space. Try experimenting with bold color combinations and unique patterns to make a statement with your landscape design.

Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or a more eclectic style, incorporating color and design trends will help transform your outdoor space into an inviting oasis.

A high-tech approach to landscape design is also gaining popularity. From smart sprinkler systems that conserve water to automated lighting that enhances safety and ambiance, technology is revolutionizing the way we interact with our outdoor spaces.

Consider installing weather-resistant speakers for music or creating an automated irrigation system that adjusts based on rainfall levels. These advancements not only add convenience but contribute to sustainable practices by optimizing resource usage.

Health and Wellness in Landscape Design

In landscape design, promoting health and wellness is a crucial consideration. We know that spending time in nature has a positive impact on human well-being. Being outdoors and engaging in outdoor activities is especially beneficial for older adults.

That’s why many assisted-living facilities are incorporating nature and outdoor spaces into their designs to promote better health among residents.

It’s important to recognize that being removed from nature can have negative effects on mental health. By creating landscapes that merge wellness and the environment, we can create beneficial outdoor spaces for both humans and the natural world.

Creating Privacy and Outdoor Retreats

Creating privacy and outdoor retreats is a popular trend in landscape design. Homeowners are seeking comfortable and private outdoor spaces where they can relax, entertain, and find solace from the stresses of daily life.

Landscaping architects play a crucial role in designing these backyard havens, helping to create a serene and secluded atmosphere.

The demand for outdoor living spaces has led to the trend of bringing indoor living outdoors. Gardens are being transformed into personal sanctuaries, providing a peaceful and tranquil environment.

By incorporating elements such as tall hedges, fences, pergolas, or trellises covered with climbing plants, homeowners can create intimate areas that shield them from prying eyes and offer a sense of seclusion.

Whether it’s enjoying a quiet afternoon reading in your secluded corner or hosting a lively gathering with loved ones in your backyard oasis, creating privacy and outdoor retreats allows you to escape from the outside world and enjoy your own slice of paradise right at home.


Landscape design is constantly evolving with new and exciting trends. Immersive gardens, native plants, smart technology integration, and low-maintenance landscapes are just some of the popular trends.

As homeowners seek to create beautiful outdoor spaces that align with their sustainable values and enhance their well-being, these trends offer innovative solutions for a greener and more enjoyable future.