How to Landscape With Boulders

Benefits of Landscaping With Boulders

Have you ever wanted to create a stunning outdoor space using the natural beauty of boulders? Landscaping with boulders can provide great aesthetic value to your outdoor space, as they come in various shapes and sizes, creating unique and eye-catching features. 

Landscaping with boulders also has practical advantages, such as providing an erosion control measure, adding privacy, and acting as windbreakers. With the right design ideas, landscaping boulders can transform any space into something special.

In this article, we’ll show you how to landscaping boulders into your unique outdoor designs to make exquisite features in your yard or garden.

Benefits of Landscaping With Boulders

Incorporating boulders and rocks into landscaping offers practical benefits and aesthetic appeal. For starters, boulders provide an effective windbreak, which can be particularly beneficial in exposed areas or regions prone to strong winds. 

Additionally, landscaping boulders can help retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for frequent watering and making your garden more drought-tolerant. Boulders also provide a natural barrier around delicate plants while helping to control erosion and runoff. 

Finally, they make great conversation pieces that draw people’s eyes toward otherwise empty yard areas. With careful selection and placement, you can use landscaping boulders and rocks to enhance your outdoor space on multiple levels.

Choosing Landscaping Boulders

With so many boulders available, knowing which kinds to get can get difficult. Here are some factors to remember when picking suitable boulders for your landscape design.


Landscaping boulders come in a diverse range of sizes, from small pebbles to large rocks weighing hundreds of pounds. While larger stones will provide more of a windbreak effect to protect delicate garden areas, smaller rocks are better at retaining moisture. 

From an aesthetic point of view, larger stones can make a bold statement, while smaller ones add texture and definition. Using different sizes of boulders together makes it possible to create a unique and visually appealing landscape that adds value to the property.


Boulders come in various shapes, ranging from rounded and smooth to sharp and angular. The source of the stones and how they have been weathered or shaped over time determines these shapes. Boulders can be collected from riverbeds, gravel deposits, and quarries, with each environment creating distinct characteristics in terms of size and shape. 

Stones collected from quarries are more likely to be rough and jagged compared to those from water sources. When landscaping with boulders, you can use different shapes of boulders to reflect different aesthetics and create attractive visual designs or focal points. 

A modern or minimalist landscape design might use square stones, while weathered and smooth stones might look at home in rustic designs.


The colors of boulders used in landscaping can range from dark gray to brown and even rust-colored. The type of rock that the boulder is composed of determines these colors. 

For example, river rocks often mix light and dark tones due to being mixes of stones that wear away over time. Coastal boulders may be shades of tans and browns due to exposure to saltwater erosion. 

Depending on their composition, quarried boulders may be more distinct in color, ranging from bright rust colors to deep grays. Different shades of boulders can create an exciting contrast against plants and other design elements when used creatively.


Boulders can be smooth and polished or rough and uneven. Like color, texture can add another layer of contrast or synergy to your landscaping design, depending on how you use it. 

The same flower garden can look sleek if decorated with smooth stones or edgy if adorned with more jagged rocks.

Boulder Landscaping Ideas

When placed strategically, boulders can significantly impact the look and feel of a landscaped space. While their natural colors and textures provide interest, you can use specific placements to enhance the design further. Here are some tips for landscaping with boulders to create impact. 

  • Always start with a plan. While you may be tempted to pick a few stones and place them in your yard, having a plan keeps the look coherent. 
  • Utilize boulders of varying sizes to create depth and contrast in the landscape. Larger stones should be placed near the back of a design, gradually becoming smaller in the foreground.
  • Place landscaping boulders to complement other features or materials in the space, like pathways or walkways, for added visual interest.
  • When landscaping with boulders, group similar-sized boulders for a cohesive look, or use different-sized ones together for an eye-catching composition.
  • Consider color when selecting your boulders. Choosing ones with hues that complement the surrounding foliage will help bring out the space’s natural beauty.
  • Use rocks with smooth surfaces to define pathways or raised flower beds and rougher rocks to accent spaces around pools or ponds.

Considerations for Landscaping With Boulders

While landscaping boulders can have many practical and aesthetic purposes, the way you choose to use them in your design depends on your specific needs. Here are some things to consider when landscaping with boulders.


You can use boulders for a variety of functional purposes in the landscape. For example, they can create natural barriers that provide privacy and security for your home or garden. You can also place them around steps and walkways to reduce erosion and act as a non-slip surface. 

If your yard features an elevation change, consider using boulders as a retaining wall. Not only are landscaping boulders aesthetically pleasing, but they also provide lasting stability and fortification due to their heavy weight. Unlike other stonework that tends to require mortar or grout, boulders fit together naturally with minimal installation effort. 

Boulders edging flower beds or raised gardens create an attractive border while containing soil and mulch. Positioning a large flat boulder near your garden or patio allows it to act as seating, letting you sit and enjoy the space. As long as you know what features are most important to you, boulders can add both form and function to any outdoor space.


Consider your design aesthetic before choosing how to incorporate landscaping boulders. Lightly colored boulders in a natural landscape design give your yard an organic, rustic feel. Other boulder landscaping ideas include integrating river rocks into beds with native plants, flowers, and vegetation to enhance this homely look. 

For a more formal look, incorporate boulders into the landscaping design with careful placement and strategic groupings for maximum impact. Consider pairing larger boulders with smaller stones of varying colors for an eye-catching display or organized contrast. You can use the many types of boulders available to achieve a unique look for any landscape design preference.


Maintaining and caring for landscaping with boulders is vital to keep your outdoor space looking its best. Monitor the area around your boulders for potential weed growth and promptly remove any invasive plants or weeds that may have taken root nearby. 

If you live in Northern climates, try to avoid using salt near walkways and boulder retainer walls in the winter. Over time, it can damage the rocks’ surfaces, creating pockmarks and nicks. While they may seem like surface cosmetic issues, in the case of retainer walls, they can introduce weakness into the structure.

How Much Do Boulders Cost?

How much landscaping boulders cost depends on the size and quality of the rocks. Enormous boulders can run over $1,000, but there are plenty of budget-friendly options as low as $100. They can even be free if you’re able to find them naturally.

Main Takeaways

Boulders Cost

Landscaping with boulders is a practical way to add beauty to your outdoor space and add value to your home. With proper selection, maintenance, and placement of landscaping boulders, you can enjoy appealing arrangements that will remain beautiful year after year.

Whether providing an effective windbreak, controlling erosion, or adding a unique decorative touch, there are many advantages to using landscaping boulders in your outdoor design. If you’re looking to make an impression with your landscaping, look no further than boulders. 

With their versatility and enduring beauty, boulders provide a unique touch that will leave your visitors feeling rock-solid about your good taste. So why not get rolling on your landscape design and make a statement?

Contact ALD today to begin.