
Category: Minnesota Landscaping Plants

How to Create a Tranquility Garden

Have you ever noticed that formal botanical gardens and arboretums often have cozy nooks carved out in the space? These quiet areas may induce you to breathe a little more deeply and take a quick break from your busy life. It’s tempting to want to add tranquility to your own backyard. However, the idea can be intimidating. Instead of trying to transform your entire backyard at once, take a hint from the pros and start with a small space. You can always expand it over time. Build Outside Your Back Door You don’t have to go to the far reaches

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Common Compost Problems and How to Fix Them

With properly installed hardscape, a compost pile can easily integrate into the landscape of your yard. For gardeners who aren’t in the know, a compost pile is your at-home recycling facility, breaking down leaves, lawn clippings, and other organic materials into nutrient rich compost for your yard and home gardens. Due to the nature of a compost post, several issues tend to compound the oxidizing process. A compost pile or bin should consist of one part green material and one part brown material for the proper bacteria to grow and sustain itself. If there is an imbalance of the materials

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Designing Sustainable Landscapes

Sustainable landscaping has been around for quite some time but is gaining popularity in residential areas. A sustainable landscape can help clean the air and water, increase energy efficiency, restore habitats, and contribute to the health of a community and future generations. Although some aspects of sustainable landscaping may sound complex, many of them are easy to manage and often require little to no maintenance. Here are some ideas for designing a sustainable landscape in your yard: Starting Out Small Some homeowners become overwhelmed when it comes to designing landscapes because the opportunities seem endless and often it’s true. If

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Sustainable Landscapes in MN

You may have heard the term “sustainable landscaping” tossed around, but you may not know what it means. Isn’t landscaping just landscaping? Many people assume that landscaping consists solely of creatively placed plants and flowers or a couple of water features, but landscaping is an elaborate process that includes various types of gardening practices. Learn more about sustainable landscaping and how it may be the type of landscaping you would like to integrate on your property. What is Sustainable Landscaping? First off, start with defining sustainability. The National Gardening Association explains it as “practicing environmental stewardship so that we meet

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Using a Trellis to Lift Your Vines

Watching vines grow around posts and supports is a magical experience. The vines seem to grow rampantly, and each day, they have a story to narrate. Many vines tend to bloom and bear fruits, and this adds to their beauty. Rather than letting your vines grow across your yard and take up valuable living space, you can train them to grow on trellises. A trellis is one of the best ways to raise your garden vertically and still enjoy the lush greenery. Choose the Right Trellis Vines can be delicate and lightweight or be heavy with vigorous growth. It is

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10 Top Tips for Fall Maintenance Checklist

Plummeting temperatures and changing leaf colors bring to light that fall is here. This is the perfect time to attend to those little niggles that can result in expensive repairs if you ignore them. Before cold winter sets in follow this fall maintenance checklist to ensure you don’t miss any part of your home. You will be grateful for it, and your home will thank you for it. 1. Roof and Chimney Inspections Snow, rain, and ice can easily enter your home through damaged roof. Replace missing and broken shingles. Make sure the roof is clean. Clear dead leaves and

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