
Category: Flowers and Gardens

10 Common Landscape Design Mistakes You Need To Know

The landscape design process is the foundation for every successful landscaping project. Throughout the construction process, the landscape design is referenced every day. Observations and suggested changes should be noted because they too will affect the ultimate outcome. The best-case scenario is to completely update the landscape design after the project is built. This “as-built” plan will serve a valuable reference point for the future as additional changes are common. Most homeowners are not concerned with these recommended practices as long as the completed project meets their expectations. However, not having them may lead to unanswered questions in the future.

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17 Nighttime Landscape Design Tips That Will Make Evenings To Remember

Working homeowners value great landscapes but seldom have sufficient free time to enjoy everything their outdoor living space has to offer. There is a solution to this dilemma and that is tailoring your landscape design to meet your busy schedule. Evenings are a quieter, more peaceful time when the day’s responsibilities are behind us. It’s a perfect time to relax and get almost everything from your landscaping investment, provided you make it a priority to design for it. One of the secrets to nighttime landscape experiences is being aware of the possibilities. That awareness alone will inform decisions that are

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This Is How A Successful Landscape Design Process Works

Processes are designed, practiced, and perfected to predictably produce desired results. When a patient visits the doctor a questionnaire is completed to collect important historical data such as allergies, surgeries, and family history. The form also asks for insurance information and who is ultimately responsible for settling the account. Then a nurse checks a few metrics to such as pulse, height and weight, and blood pressure that inform the general health of vital organs. This standard procedure exists to make an accurate diagnosis. Only then can the doctor have a conversation about the possible options, next steps, and expectations for

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Landscape Design Consultation: Getting A Return On Your Annual Investment

Dwight D. Eisenhower famously said, “Plans are nothing, but planning is everything.” He said this in the context of winning a war. The point of this statement is that events and circumstances change, and therefore, so does the plan. A landscape is a work in progress because it is alive and will change. So will you. People change and their lifestyle has to adapt. What’s important to you and your family today will evolve over time. The challenge is making the most of that journey. You are growing and evolving and should expect your outdoor environment to do the same.

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What We Talk About When We Talk About Landscaping

The conversations we have about landscaping are different than people expect. That’s because landscaping projects require lots of decisions. Those decision criteria are interconnected. This choice affects that one and probably several others.   Sometimes it’s hard to choose the right entree at a restaurant because there are nearly a dozen and they all sound so delicious! Consider that there are thousands of plant cultivars on our menu. This means there are potentially millions of plant color, texture, and fragrance combinations. Now factor into the equation the many hardscape possibilities: Pools, spas, fountains, fire pits, benches, patios, terraces, screened porches,

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How to Hire a Standout Landscape Contractor

Landscape contractors are people, too. Due to this not so surprising observation, it is vital that we consider that all people are different when we decide to choose a landscaper to help us achieve our landscaping goals. Some people are annoying, a few are lazy, others are flakey, some people take too long selecting an orange which causes us to be late for our family dinner, and some people are hilarious. The point is, landscapers, like all people, offer us a variety of personality spectrums, and some of those spectrum ranges may grind our gears. Just because landscaping takes place

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