Mulching for Soil Management

 Red bark, dark brown bark, cedar-colored bark, cocoa beans that smell, chipped tree bark from cities’ pickup lots – all mulching materials. It’s strange to believe that fifty years ago or so there wasn’t any product created like that. Mulching wasn’t something that your grandparents ever did. What hasn’t changed is that nature has always mulched. A year’s leaves fell to the ground, and pine needles are falling to the ground now. Branches and twigs heavy with snow or ice fall. So as it has happened for eons: nature mulches.
Now people add mulch to keep weeds at a minimum or eliminate them. Then plants don’t have to compete for water and nutrients. Mulch today can still be branches, twigs, pine needles, and other organic materials; it can also be colored bark, cocoa beans, black plastic, pea gravel, or even leaf clippings. If weeds still show up, turning the mulch over can cause the weed seedlings started to die.
Another reason beside soil conservation for mulching is to conserve water. Mulches take the impact of the rain and soften it as it goes into the soil.  It then eliminates the evaporation and helps maintain soil moisture.
Saving money and conserving and enriching the soil occurs as the organic mulches decompose, making the soil healthier. Mulch also helps soil to resist diseases. Especially in these northern climates where the spread between extremely hot and extremely cold weather occurs, mulching helps to regulate the soil’s temperature. It acts as insulation so the heaving of the ground doesn’t occur as much as the ground freezes and thaws and freezes.
Mulching is one of the best things you can do in the garden. It is a simple layer that acts as a protective material for the garden.  At Architectural Landscape Design we believe in using what nature has provided to beautify and enhance a yard.  If you’ve got questions about mulch or anything else related to landscaping, please give our helpful garden experts a call.