Extraordinary Outdoor Features You Want Installed In Your Yard

Some projects for outdoors are just superior compared to others.

These projects are beautiful, impressive, and in many times mind-boggling. What is their downfall, you ask?

PoolThese exceptional landscaping installations can be quite expensive. Nevertheless, these awesome outdoor features can be an inspiration and possibly give you some fresh, tasty ideas for your outdoor décor and design.

Swimming Pool Conversation Pit

Putting a conversation pit anywhere near your pool is an impressive look, but when placed in the pool’s middle the conversation pit becomes kind of a sensation. With a project like this you need to plan carefully, have lots of money in your budget, and put in plenty of effort but you will see this is well worth everything you put in. Having a pool party will mean so much more to you with this conversation pit. Spending an evening with friends in this surrounding will feel like you’re dreaming. This is also an ultimate outdoor feature for resorts.

Backyard Treehouse

You may think the sound of a treehouse is childish, but after you see what an adult treehouse can look like, you will probably reconsider. Treehouse resorts are popular vacation getaways., but if a treehouse getaway in your own backyard is even better.    A treehouse that is beautifully made can accommodate a couple of adults. All on its own it will make an architectural statement and some can be built even without a tree.  After spending time in your treehouse you will be delighted you made the choice to build one.

Bathroom Outdoors

Forget a simple shower outdoors to wash off. In this day, if it does not have a bathtub, it’s not impressive An addition that is great for outdoors is a wooden or natural stone bath, or you can contrast different materials and instead bring your old tub outside. Style the surroundings of your old tub properly so it does not look like junk but instead has a luxurious look.

Meditation Pod

When trying to find zen, you need to get away from everythin,g and the best place to do this is a meditation pod. They come in several different looks, such as a lotus flower.

Other extraordinary features include waterfalls, exterior wallpaper, transparent pools, spilled flower pots, and swimming pool theaters.

Interested in a unique outdoor feature? Architectural Landscape Design in MN can help you find and design what is best for you and your budget.  We are currently offering in-home custom design consultations, so what are you waiting for?  Give us a call today!