
Category: Flowers and Gardens

Cooking Outdoors: Outdoor Summer Kitchens Delight All!

Everybody loves food cooked outdoors, it tastes better! You can make a space in your backyard for cooking that’s efficient and makes cooking and entertaining outside a real pleasure! It’s like buying a house; it’s location, location, and location. When planning an outdoor kitchen you get to pick the perfect location for you. Locating grills and workstations out of the traffic patterns and access routes to your house makes a big difference. You also get a chance to determine where you want the smoke to go, instead of into having to shut the windows to your house when grilling! An

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Borrow Scenery Beyond Your Boundaries: Plan Now To Make Small Yards Appear Larger

A small space doesn’t need to have the feeling of being confined even though obvious boundaries can make a space appear restricted. We can help by building fences, retaining stone walls, and plantings with imagination that do both the job of defining your space or yard and expand it. You can obscure boundaries and give a larger feel by several methods. Simple masses of green in your landscape plan can easily blur the distinction between your garden and the neighboring properties when your carefully crafted plan includes the right trees, shrubs, or vines. If you have boundaries that are really

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Plan for Color in the Garden Now: Color It Warm or Cool!

Your choices of color will determine whether your garden feels warm or cool. Thinking of your small garden as an outdoor living room that needs to be painted is extremely helpful. You can do this exercise anytime whether it’s Minnesota landscaping in winter, spring, fall or summer. The question is, “How do you want the space to feel?” The use of warm or cool colors in a small garden are critical, they can open it up or make it feel confined. Cool colors—those centered on green, blue, and violet-tend to retreat visually, giving the impression of greater space. While warm

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Garden Unity, Balance, Transition, Proportion: Make Beautiful Landscapes Sing

Landscape Architects have studied these basic principles as part of their design studies at a university and are trained to create landscape design. Landscape Contractors are installation specialists, who work closely with the Landscape Architects and Designers. At MN Architectural Landscape Design we have Garden Designers, Landscape Architects and we are Landscape Contractors.

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Minnesota Spas

An outdoor spa can add a new room to your existing home, giving a new dimension to your life you never thought possible. Great for retirees, the kids and grandkids will enjoy their downtime in them, too.

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Drying Out a Minnesota Basement

With all the lakes in and around Minneapolis, a wet basement is something that many people just live with; thinking that the only way to dry it out is to move. Not so; there are several tricks that will enable homeowners to capture that space, and give them the security of a dry basement once and for all.

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